Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Impact of Inactivity

The term sarcopenia refers to age-related muscle loss and is a natural part of growing older. However, it also may occur at a faster pace after prolonged periods of inactivity from injury, illness or the pain of osteoarthritis. Sarcopenia causes muscle atrophy and brings on problems such as poor balance and greater weakness, which in turn, can result in more inactivity and increased risks for falls.

Seniors with muscle atrophy may have difficulty reaching their arms upward, opening jars, typing on a keyboard or even tying shoes. The Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine reports on a study that found “older men who did eight weeks of strength training lost about 25% of their muscle gains after they stopped training for two weeks.”

Jodi Klein, a physical therapist with Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital, suggests a few things you can do if you know you have a surgical procedure ahead of you that could cause muscle atrophy. She says if you are currently active, keep it up; if not, use this time to get started. Klein explains, "The better shape you are in going into surgery, the better shape you will be coming out, and the less chance you have of enduring muscle loss."

Older adults who want to regain muscle strength should talk to their health care provider about the best methods. Experts recommend an exercise routine that builds both upper and lower body strength. This could include weight training with dumbbells and resistance bands in conjunction with walking, swimming, and biking. If it would be helpful, think about turning to an expert to aid you in regaining strength.

At MorningStar Assisted Living & Memory Care of Happy Valley, we provide older adults carefree retirement years with a lifestyle of comfort, wellness and community. Beautifully designed to meet our residents’ every need, MorningStar offers a range of programs and activities to engage and support physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being. Please visit our website for more information about luxury senior living in Happy Valley, Oregon.

MorningStar takes tremendous pride in the reputation we have earned for excellence and authenticity since our inception in 2003. We believe the human capacity to grow, to learn and to contribute is ageless; and we act upon that truth daily, as we care for, inspire, and love the residents under our roof. Contact us for more information about the finest senior living in Happy Valley, Oregon

Monday, August 12, 2024

Coping with Grief and Loss in Later Life

Grief is a journey that most of us will travel at some point in our lives. It can be especially poignant in our later years as we say goodbye to dear friends, loved ones, or even a cherished way of life. Here at our community, we've learned that while grief is deeply personal, it can also be a time for connection, reflection, and growth. Let's talk about some ways to navigate this journey together.

Embrace Your Feelings

Grief isn't something you just get over; it's something you go through. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up, whether it's sadness, anger, or even relief. In our assisted living Fountain Hills community, we often remind each other that it's okay to have a good cry. It's all part of the healing process. My friend Mary always says, "Tears are just love overflowing," and we all nod in agreement.

Share Your Stories

Talking about your loved ones and sharing memories can be incredibly healing. Consider joining a support group or simply chatting with friends who understand. Our community has a weekly "Memory Café" where residents come together to share stories, photos, and laughter. It's amazing how talking about the good times can bring comfort and joy.

Find Comfort in Routine

In times of grief, routine can be a stabilizing force. Whether it's having your morning coffee on the patio or attending our weekly bingo night, keeping up with daily activities can help ground you. At our senior living Scottsdale community, we encourage residents to engage in activities they enjoy, offering a gentle reminder that life continues to have beautiful moments.

Express Yourself Creatively

Creative expression can be a powerful outlet for emotions. Whether it's painting, writing, or playing music, finding a way to express your feelings can help process grief. Our art room is always buzzing with creativity, and it's heartening to see residents channeling their emotions into their work. I took up watercolor painting and found it incredibly soothing.

Reach Out for Support

It's important to remember that you don't have to navigate grief alone. Lean on friends, family, and professionals for support. Sometimes, just knowing someone is there to listen makes all the difference. Many of our assisted living residents find comfort in speaking with our on-site counselors, who provide a compassionate ear and helpful guidance.

Celebrate Their Life

Consider finding ways to celebrate your loved one's life and keep their memory alive. Plant a tree in their honor, dedicate a bench in their favorite park, or hold a small gathering to share stories and memories. These acts of remembrance can bring peace and help you focus on the joy they brought to your life.

Coping with grief and loss is never easy, but you're not alone on this journey. Together, as a community, we can offer support, understanding, and a listening ear. Whether you're in assisted living Fountain Hills or exploring senior living Scottsdale, remember that healing takes time, and it's okay to move at your own pace.

MorningStar Offers Memory Care in Happy Valley

While there is not a cure for Alzheimer’s and many other dementia-related diseases, it is important to provide the person with the proper level of care. Along with assisted living, MorningStar of Happy Valley offers compassionate memory care. Our Reflections Neighborhood has the amenities and services to ensure the comfort, safety and wellbeing of our most tender residents.

As dementia care specialists, our approach and philosophy to memory care is encompassed under the expanse of possibilities we call “Lavender Sky.” All team members, regardless of their position, receive Lavender Sky training, which includes a deeper understanding of the disease and communication techniques to use with memory-impaired residents. It also includes training in environmental safety and security as well as holistic solutions to challenging behaviors.

An important aspect of our program is to provide plenty of recreational and purposeful activities such as music, life skills, art, entertainers and exercise. To ensure our residents’ safety and well-being, services include daily health monitoring and around-the-clock staffing. In addition, we offer SafelyYou technology, which can detect and prevent falls for residents with (AI) Artificial Intelligence.

Mealtimes in the Reflections Neighborhood are as much about Community as they are about Nutrition, with residents and team members eating together. Family style meals allow team members to encourage residents’ appetites as well as to provide any needed assistance with eating. In addition, much of our food is modified out of respect for some of our residents’ compromised eating abilities and includes finger foods, texture-modified diets and easy-to-recognize balanced meals that taste as good as they look.

Also, bear in mind that we accept residents in the earliest stage of the disease right through to those in more advanced phases that require the highest level of care. Furthermore, everything we do is in a loving environment that affirms the dignity and value of the individual. Please contact us or visit our website for more information.

MorningStar is guided by a culture rooted in our mission of honoring God, valuing seniors, and investing in our team, which allows us to deliver services with warmth, sincerity and depth of purpose. We have built a reputation for creating homes filled with an atmosphere of love and community. Please contact us to learn more about the finest assisted living and memory care in Happy Valley, OR.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Celebrate Grandparents Day on September 8th

To recognize the value of the relationship between grandchildren and grandparents, “Grandparents Day” is celebrated on the Sunday after Labor Day. While not a public holiday, President Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation in 1978 stating it should be observed each year.

For kids, having more people involved in their lives other than their parents is a good thing. Many grandparents’ unconditional love brings with it acceptance, patience and unwavering support as they readily recognize the child’s accomplishments and provides a safe, trusted harbor. Several studies validate the love and emotional closeness grandparents provide can make a positive impact on a child’s healthy development. Moreover, as grandparents may be retired, they have more leisure time to spend with the grandkids.

Research also shows that a close, involved relationship is good for grandparents too, and contributes to a healthier, happier and possibly even longer life. Grandparents’ relationship with grandkids can include the role of caregiver, teacher, playmate and cheering squad depending on where they live; and does not come with the responsibilities of being the parent. Grandparents can uniquely provide the child with a sense of their family history, heritage, and identity. They know great stories about the child’s parents and can help pass on family traditions and life stories.

If your child does not have any grandparents, consider adopting an elderly person who does not have grandchildren. If you don’t know any senior citizens personally, call a senior community in your area and ask if they have activities where your child would be welcome. If you missed last year’s Grandparents Day, put it on the calendar and celebrate it with some of your favorite seniors this year.

MorningStar of Happy Valley is a one-of-a-kind senior living community with a mission statement to:

• Honor God in our business practices and relationships

• Value all seniors as gifted and contributing individuals

• Invest generously in our team’s ability to serve well

Our contemporary 2-story building offers 61 assisted living suites in a variety of configurations and floorplans. For those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, the Reflections Neighborhood provides the people, programs and security to enhance quality of life. Please call today to set up a tour of our beautiful home. 

MorningStar of Happy Valley represents the very best in assisted living and memory care. Set in a warm, loving atmosphere with beautiful surroundings and resort-style amenities, we provide carefree retirement years with a lifestyle of comfort, wellness and community. Please contact us or visit our website for more information about the finest senior living in Happy Valley, Oregon.

Organizing a Community Garden Project

There's something magical about digging your hands into the earth, planting a seed, and watching it grow into something beautiful. A community garden project can bring people together, foster a sense of pride, and provide a space for relaxation and fun. Here in our community, we decided to start our own little patch of paradise, and it has truly blossomed into something special. If you're thinking about organizing a community garden, here are some tips to get you started.

Gather Your Green Thumbs

The first step is to gather your gardening enthusiasts. You might be surprised at how many neighbors are eager to join. Even if you have two green thumbs like me or are more of a garden admirer, everyone can contribute in their own way. At our assisted living Fountain Hills community, we held a "Garden Party" meeting to drum up interest and gather ideas. We even had snacks shaped like veggies to get everyone in the spirit!

Choose the Perfect Spot

Selecting the right location is crucial for your garden's success. Look for a sunny spot with good soil and easy access to water. If you don't have a large area, consider raised beds or container gardening. We found a sunny nook near the community center that was just begging to be turned into a garden haven. With a little bit of elbow grease and a lot of enthusiasm, it was transformed into our garden oasis.

Plan Your Garden Layout

Once you've chosen your spot, it's time to plan what you want to grow. Consider the tastes and preferences of your group—fruits, vegetables, flowers, or a mix of everything! We decided on a variety of veggies and some colorful flowers to attract pollinators. Don't forget to include paths and seating areas where folks can rest and admire the greenery.

Organize Planting Days

Now comes the fun part—planting! Organize a few planting days where everyone can come together to dig, plant, and water. It's a great way to build camaraderie and create lasting memories. During our first planting day, laughter filled the air as stories were shared, and friendships blossomed alongside the plants.

Share the Harvest

Once your garden is thriving, it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Share the harvest with everyone who participated, and maybe even host a garden-themed potluck. We love making fresh salads and veggie dishes from our garden goodies. It's amazing how a simple garden can bring so much joy and flavor to our lives.

Keep Growing

A community garden is a living project that evolves over time. Encourage ongoing participation and ideas for improvement. Perhaps you'll add a compost bin, start a herb section, or even create a butterfly garden. In our senior living Scottsdale community, the garden has become a beloved spot for relaxation and reflection, with new projects sprouting up all the time.

A community garden is more than just a place to grow plants; it's a place to grow connections and cultivate happiness. Whether you're part of assisted living or simply looking to bring your neighborhood together, starting a garden project is a rewarding and fun-filled adventure.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

How to Personalize Your Assisted Living Space

Moving into a new space is always an exciting adventure, especially when you get the chance to make it your own. At assisted living Fountain Hills, we believe that your living space should reflect your unique personality and tastes. Whether you’re a longtime resident or just settling in, here are some creative ways to personalize your assisted living space and make it feel like home.

Start with Your Favorite Colors

One of the simplest ways to bring a personal touch to your new space is by incorporating your favorite colors. You can do this with bedding, curtains, or even a cozy throw blanket. Choose colors that make you feel happy and relaxed. Adding a pop of color to your room can brighten up your space and lift your spirits. I personally love having a soft, blue blanket that reminds me of the ocean and adds a sense of calm to my room.

Display Cherished Photos

Family photos and cherished memories are essential for making any space feel personal. Create a gallery wall with pictures of loved ones, travels, and special occasions. You can arrange them in matching frames for a cohesive look or mix and match styles for a more eclectic vibe. At senior living Scottsdale, we love seeing how residents transform their spaces with personal photo displays that tell their unique stories.

Bring Your Favorite Keepsakes

Whether it’s a beloved piece of art, a collection of books, or a treasured heirloom, bringing your favorite keepsakes can add a sense of familiarity and comfort to your new home. These items carry sentimental value and can help make your assisted living space truly yours. I always keep a small ceramic owl on my nightstand, a gift from my granddaughter that never fails to make me smile.

Add Some Greenery

Plants are a wonderful way to breathe life into your living space. Choose low-maintenance options like succulents, snake plants, or peace lilies, which can thrive indoors with minimal care. Not only do they add a touch of nature, but they also purify the air and boost your mood. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, a small indoor plant can make a big difference in your space.

Personalize Your Walls

Decorating your walls with artwork, wall hangings, or even a decorative clock can add personality to your space. Consider incorporating pieces that reflect your interests or inspire you. We encourage residents to get creative and have fun with their wall décor, making each room as unique as the person living in it.

Use Scent to Create Atmosphere

Scent is a powerful tool for evoking memories and creating a welcoming atmosphere. Consider using scented candles, essential oils, or air fresheners to infuse your space with comforting aromas. Whether it’s the smell of fresh lavender or a hint of vanilla, choosing a scent you love can make your space feel even more like home.

Create a Cozy Reading Nook

If you enjoy reading, why not create a cozy nook where you can relax with a good book? A comfortable chair, a soft blanket, and a small lamp can transform a corner of your room into a personal retreat. At senior living Scottsdale, we love hearing about the cozy nooks our residents create, perfect for enjoying a cup of tea and a favorite novel.

Personalizing your assisted living space is all about adding touches that make you feel at home. In our community, we celebrate the individuality of each resident and encourage you to let your personality shine through in your décor. With a little creativity, you can transform your space into a comfortable and inviting haven that reflects who you are.

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Benefits of Staying Social as You Age

As the saying goes, "A joyful heart is the best medicine." At our senior living community, we see firsthand how staying socially active brings joy and vitality to life. The connections we make with others are not just nice to have; they're essential for our well-being. Let's explore the delightful benefits of staying social as you age.

Boosting Mental Health

Social interactions can have a profound impact on mental health. Engaging with friends and participating in group activities can help reduce feelings of loneliness and depression. In our community, we often see how laughter and conversation brighten the days of residents. Whether it's a chat over morning coffee or a spirited game of cards, these interactions provide a sense of purpose and belonging.

Keeping the Mind Sharp

Engaging in social activities is like exercise for the brain. Discussing current events, sharing stories, and playing games all stimulate cognitive function. In assisted living facilities Rio Rancho, we organize trivia nights and book clubs that encourage residents to think critically and creatively. It’s incredible to see how these gatherings spark lively discussions and help keep our minds sharp.

Enhancing Physical Health

Believe it or not, staying social can also improve physical health. Activities such as dancing, walking groups, or fitness classes offer a fun way to stay active. When you’re having fun with friends, it hardly feels like exercise. Many residents find that participating in group activities increases their motivation to stay active and healthy.

Building a Support Network

Having a strong support network is invaluable as we age. Friends offer encouragement, companionship, and assistance when needed. A resident once shared how her book club friends rallied around her during a challenging time, providing both emotional support and practical help. It’s these connections that turn our community into a family.

Learning New Skills

Staying social opens up opportunities to learn new skills and try new hobbies. Whether it’s taking up painting, learning a new language, or joining a cooking class, social activities expose us to new experiences. At our senior living community, we’ve seen residents discover hidden talents and passions that bring joy and excitement to their lives.

Fostering Happiness

Above all, staying social fosters happiness. Sharing experiences, celebrating achievements, and enjoying the company of others bring immense joy. The simple act of connecting with others can lift our spirits and add a sense of fulfillment to our days.


Staying socially active is key to a vibrant and fulfilling life as we age. Whether you’re joining a club, attending events, or simply chatting with a neighbor, these interactions enrich our lives in countless ways. In our community, we believe in the power of connection to enhance well-being and happiness. So, embrace the opportunity to meet new people, try new things, and enjoy the company of friends. Life is better when shared with others.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Managing Chronic Pain with Lifestyle Changes

Living with chronic pain can be challenging, but small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in managing discomfort. Many residents in assisted living facilities Rio Rancho have found relief and improved quality of life through these changes, turning daily struggles into manageable parts of life. Let's explore some effective strategies to help you live more comfortably and joyfully.

Staying Active

Exercise might be the last thing on your mind when you’re dealing with pain, but staying active can be incredibly beneficial. Gentle activities like walking, swimming, or yoga can help reduce pain and improve flexibility. I love taking a brisk walk in the morning when the air is fresh and the world is waking up. It’s amazing how a little movement can lift your spirits and ease your body.

Embracing a Balanced Diet

Eating a nutritious diet can support your body and help manage chronic pain. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and walnuts, are known to reduce inflammation. Fruits and vegetables packed with antioxidants can also support overall health. I’ve started adding more colorful veggies to my meals, and it’s made a noticeable difference in my energy levels.

Practicing Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help calm the mind and reduce the perception of pain. Practices like meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Taking a few moments each day to focus on my breath and clear my mind has become a cherished part of my routine. It's a small change that brings peace and comfort.

Getting Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for managing chronic pain. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a restful environment can improve sleep quality. Consider removing electronic devices from the bedroom and ensuring your sleeping space is comfortable and quiet. A good night’s sleep can make a world of difference in how you feel each day.

Exploring Alternative Therapies

Many senior living communities offer access to alternative therapies that can help manage chronic pain. Acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic care are popular options that may provide relief. Talking to your healthcare provider about these therapies can open up new avenues for pain management.

Building a Support Network

Connecting with others who understand your experience can be incredibly supportive. Sharing tips, encouragement, and understanding with fellow residents or support groups can make the journey more manageable. In assisted living, residents often gather to share their experiences and offer each other encouragement and advice.

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals can help you focus on progress and celebrate small victories. Break tasks into manageable steps and recognize each accomplishment, no matter how small. This approach not only helps manage pain but also boosts your mood and confidence. I've found that keeping a journal of daily achievements helps me see how far I've come and inspires me to keep going.

Managing chronic pain is a journey, and lifestyle changes can provide significant relief and enhance your quality of life.By embracing these strategies, you can take control of your well-being and find comfort and joy in everyday life. Remember, small changes can lead to big improvements, and you’re never alone on this journey.