Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February is American Heart Month

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion state that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women (1 in 4 deaths) in the U.S. The organization is committed to helping people lead heart healthy lives by raising awareness and spreading strategies for preventing the disease. 

Some of their suggestions for prevention include small lifestyle changes such as flavoring food with spices rather than using salt as well as adopting overall healthier eating habits. They recommend staying active (or get active) and maintaining a healthy weight. Also to control cholesterol and blood pressure levels. If you smoke, quit and avoid secondhand smoke. If you drink alcohol, do it in moderation. Also it is important to manage stress. 

Remember you are at a greater risk for heart disease if you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, are overweight or obese, and are not exercising and following a healthy diet. Genetics may also put you at a higher risk as well as your age. If you had a father or brother with heart disease before age 55 or a mother with the disease before 65, it may indicate a family history. 

The most common type of heart disease is coronary heart disease (CHD), also known as coronary artery disease. This causes the coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart to become blocked by cholesterol and plaque buildup. Chest pains or a heart attack are a sign of a blocked artery. 

Once the MorningStar of Rio Rancho assisted living and memory care community opens this spring, residents will be treated to delicious, nutritional meals prepared largely from scratch using the freshest ingredients. In addition they will have a range of wellness programs and activities that support and enhance physical, mental, and spiritual health. As the area’s premier assisted living facilities, we invite you to visit our beautiful model suites. 

At MorningStar of Rio Rancho, we are proud to offer the best senior living with our distinct mission statement - “to honor, to value, to invest.” With a foundation built on honoring God, valuing all seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to serve, we create a true home for residents in a beautiful setting. Please visit our Information Center and ask for a tour of our stylish model suites to get an idea of high quality senior housing in Rio Rancho, NM. 


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