Experts say if you have become concerned over your parent’s fitness to drive, you need to start a conversation with them. If you think they can still handle limited driving with some restrictions, talk to them about setting up rules such as avoiding major highways and rush hour, driving only in daylight and during good weather. Remind them that this will help keep them safe as well as others who share the road with them. If they have had fender benders and are having trouble following traffic signals, it may be time for them to stop driving altogether before they hurt themselves or others. However, if this is the case, be sure to have some plans in place for alternative transportation.
MorningStar of Happy Valley is a senior living community that provides residents all of the services and amenities required for their comfort, wellbeing and safety. This includes scheduled transportation to doctor visits as well as shopping trips to area stores. We also take field trips to local culture events, museums, parks, and more. Please visit our website to learn more about our community, and while you are there, use our links to set up a tour and to ask about availability and pricing.
MorningStar of Happy Valley offers the very best in senior living with our distinct mission statement of “to honor, to serve, to invest.” Our foundation is built on honoring God, valuing all seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to serve to create a true “home” for residents. We invite you to give us call or visit our website to learn more about the finest senior living community in the area.