Friday, April 28, 2023

4 Benefits of Yoga for Seniors in Assisted Living

Moving your body is beneficial at any age, but especially for seniors in assisted living. Yoga is a wonderful way to decompress, relieve stress, and care for yourself. 

You might not know about some of the surprising benefits of yoga for seniors. Here’s what yoga can do for residents in assisted living

1. Reduced Joint Pain

Joint pain is an issue for millions of seniors around the world. As you age, your bones and cartilage can weaken and become stiff. This makes everyday movements especially difficult. 

Yoga takes some of the pressure off your joints and improves your mobility. When you stretch and take deep breaths, your muscles and connective tissues receive more oxygen. This can help heal damaged tissues and regain your range of motion. 

If you’re in assisted living and want to experience joint pain relief, a relaxing yoga session might be just what you need. 

2. Relaxation 

This one might seem obvious, but the importance of stress relief and relaxation cannot be overstated. Seniors benefit immensely from taking the time to slow down and reflect on their daily lives. 

Yoga is one of the most relaxing forms of physical activity. Senior yoga is usually slower-paced and supportive of your joints. Unlike other more intense exercises, yoga doesn’t run a major risk of injury. 

During a yoga class in assisted living, you get to sit back, stretch, and enjoy some calming breathing techniques. 

3. Healthier Blood Pressure 

High blood pressure affects many seniors due to changes in their cardiovascular systems as they age. Unfortunately, high blood pressure is linked to an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and other health problems. 

Yoga has been shown to reduce blood pressure in many different age groups, especially seniors. There are a few potential reasons for this. 

Relaxation has a positive effect on blood pressure levels. When you’re less stressed and more mindful, your heart rate and blood pressure go down. Your body also releases less cortisol.

Physical activity, in general, improves blood pressure levels in seniors, so it makes sense that yoga works well for this purpose. 

As long as your yoga sessions are joint-friendly and calming for you, you can reap the blood pressure benefits!

4. Improved Mental Health

Senior mental health is just as important as physical health. Maintaining your peace of mind is especially important when you’re in assisted living. 

Yoga allows you to connect with others, your breath, and your body. Mindfulness has been shown to increase neurological connections in the brain, starting with just five minutes per day. 

Taking a senior yoga class gives your brain a chance to rewire itself in healthy ways. 

Boost Your Health with Yoga in Assisted Living 

Exercise doesn’t have to be stressful on your body (or your mind). Take a yoga class in assisted living to improve your physical and mental health for years to come!

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