Monday, April 22, 2019

Why Older Skin is So Delicate

If you are an older adult, you may have been surprised to find bruises on your body and not remember how you got them, or discovered other types of skin irritations that just seemed to appear out of nowhere.  There may be no cause for concern, (best to check with you healthcare provider) because as we age, our skin becomes much more sensitive than when we were younger.

Doctors say as we grow older, our skin begins to lose its elasticity causing it to hang more loosely and creating wrinkles.  The epidermis (the surface layer of the skin) starts to thin making it more transparent. The flattening of the area where the epidermis and dermis (the layer of skin under the epidermis) comes together also contributes to the skin fragility.  And frequent bruising is typically a result of the thinning of the blood vessel walls.

Megan L. Mulvane writes in, “As the largest organ in the body, the skin performs regulatory functions including temperature maintenance, the expulsion of toxins through sweat and prevention of dehydration, and skin is part of the body’s defense system against infection.”  In fact she explains how the fragile nature of the skin in many who face bathing disabilities is complicated by the need to actively clean and take care of our skin as we strive to protect and enhance its integrity.

Good skin care habits for seniors include avoiding overusing soap or taking hot baths.  Apply lotion daily to keep skin soft, which should help to reduce skin tears. As ultraviolet (UV) light damages the elastin in our skin, it is important to wear sunblock when outdoors as well as hats and light clothing to cover the skin, and try to stay in the shade.  Moreover along with the other damage smoking does to our bodies, it is also damaging to the skin and one more reason to quit. Also remember to drink plenty of water each day as it is vital to every part of our body including our skin.

Please visit MorningStar of Rio Rancho’s website for more information on compassionate assisted living and memory care or just stop by our Information Center at the northwest corner of Westside Boulevard and Golf Course Road.  We are due to open soon so ask about availability for what is sure to be one of the area’s premier assisted living facilities.  

At MorningStar of Rio Rancho, we are proud to offer the best senior living with our distinct mission statement - “to honor, to value, to invest.”  With a foundation built on honoring God, valuing all seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to serve, we create a true home for residents in a beautiful setting.  Opening in spring of 2019, we invite to talk to our team regarding the finest senior housing in Rio Rancho, NM.

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